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Show Your Appreciation During National Caregiver Month

November 5, 2013
By Paula Erwin-Toth MSN, RN, CWOCN, CNS November is National Caregiver Month. Unpaid caregivers are the unsung army of health care providers. They give their time, energy, resources and most import...

Telehealth Wound Care: The Wave of the Future

November 25, 2019
By Cathy Wogamon, DNP, MSN, FNP-BC, CWON, CFCN Wound care has evolved into a massive specialty service in the past few decades, with new treatment modalities, advances in care, and thousands of wou...

The Continuum of Wound Care

February 8, 2017
By Terri Kolenich, RN, CWCA, AAPWCA Have you ever confronted yourself with thoughts of how your role plays into the grand scheme of wound care? I am sure any wound nurse or physician would quickly ...

The Future of Telemedicine in Wound Care

January 27, 2017
By Cheryl Carver LPN, WCC, CWCA, CWCP, FACCWS, DAPWCA, CLTC Let's be frank: wound care telemedicine cannot replace a visit to a physician's office or the wound care center. Telemedicine was primar...

The Key to Avoiding Caregiver Burnout

August 27, 2014
By Janis E. Harrison, RN, BSN, CWOCN, CFCN I've come to enjoy my blogging. I always hope there is a tidbit in each of my monthly installments to help someone, somehow. Today started my vacation. My...

The Plight of the Traveling Wound Care Nurse

October 17, 2013
By Lydia A Meyers RN, MSN, CWCN There is a traveler coming to your hospital who will only be working for 13 weeks, eight weeks or however long the facility needs that nurse. As a nurse working in t...

Thoughts on Patient Education and Wound Cleansing

February 27, 2020
As patient-driven groupings model hits home care, patients or their caregivers will be expected to do more of the care. Subsequently, nursing staff are expected to provide more education, making "how ...

Tips and Tricks for Discharging Patients with Wounds

January 16, 2020
Holly M. Hovan MSN, RN-BC, APRN, CWOCN-AP You might notice the hospital halls seem a little quieter around the holidays, the unit census may be down, and patients may be asking about their discharg...

Why Caregivers Need Education and Support

April 14, 2022
Many of us will eventually take on a caregiver role in one form or another. According to the 2020 update, the number of family caregivers in the United States increased by 9.5 million between 2015 and...

Why I Go the Extra Mile: The Travels of a Certified Wound and Ostomy Care Nurse

September 24, 2014
By Diana L. Gallagher MS, RN, CWOCN, CFCN I frequently write about the value and rewards of being a WOCNCB® certified nurse. It is an amazing job that allows me to save limbs and change lives on a ...
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