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Burnout in Wound Care: Caring for Every Care Provider

December 1, 2022
Jobs in the field of medicine are notoriously demanding. However, many factors are converging to exacerbate this problem, and clinician burnout poses a large threat to the health care system in the Un...

Decreasing Patient Wait Time and Increasing Patient Experience

April 28, 2023
By Hannah Fell, Digital Managing Editor Jennifer Bouchard became a registered nurse with a BSN in 2005. Since then, she has gotten her MSN and MBA and, most recently, had the opportunity to work at...

Multidisciplinary Care: How Vital Is Communication

April 28, 2023
Dr. Scott Bolhack, MD, MBA, CMD, CWS, FACP, FAAP, discusses the importance of communication across care settings. Through the "Wound Provider Checklist" he presented at SAWC Spring 2023, Dr. Bolhack h...

Wound Care Transitions: What Are the Obstacles to Care?

April 28, 2023
Dr. Scott Bolhack, MD, MBA, CMD, CWS, FACP, FAAP, shares the issues and complexities he's seen in patient transitions across care settings like post-acute hospital and hospice care. Through the "Wound...
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