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Infection Management

Scar Management: Topical Treatments

January 31, 2020
After an injury or surgery, the body responds by forming scar tissue. Scar formation is a normal part of the wound healing process, but not all scars are the same. Some scars form in only the superfic...

Silver for Wound Infection Management and Prevention

December 21, 2021
Silver has become one of the most commonly used alternatives to topical antibiotics in recent years because of the growing concern over antibiotic resistance. Silver offers a multifaceted antimicrobia...

Six Things Your Mother Never Told You About Wound Care

January 2, 2019
by Emily Greenstein, APRN, CNP, CWON, FACCWS "When I grow up, I want to be a wound care specialist." That's not something you hear kids going around saying. Sure, kids want to be doctors or nurses....

Statins in Wound Care: A Case Study in Reviewing Literature

September 27, 2017
By Aletha Tippett MD Oh, what a shock to see a study published on atorvastatin treatment in the adult patients at risk of diabetic foot infection in a recent issue of Wounds.1 The conclusion of thi...

Surgical Site Infections: Current Recommendations and Guidelines

December 8, 2017
By Samantha Kuplicki MSN, APRN-CNS, AGCNS-BC, CWS, CWCN, CFCN Great news! Data suggest that surgical site infection (SSI) incidence could be halved with implementation of evidence-based interventio...

Surgical Site Infections: Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies

February 27, 2018
by the WoundSource Editors Of the millions of surgical procedures performed annually, most surgical site wounds heal without complications. Surgical site infections (SSIs) are common complications ...
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